Zombamazomba Video Player

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Late, But Here: Fanmail 15

Sorry! I was supposed to upload this yesterday, but here's the new fanmail episode.


I promise, from now on, Wednesdays for fanmail. I could go all day making excuses, but I got lazy and didn't finish the vid until today. Sorry solrickydoug2007(AharonMillarSkate), who sent the questions. Good news is the scripts for MCS at Gardening and the next 2 fanmails should be done by this weekend. I'm extending the release date of Gardening one more day, September 6th. Thanks for understanding.

See ya,
P.S. Every numbered comment (1st, 2nd, 3rd) will be marked as Spam. If a user numbers a comment twice he will be blocked from sending messages or posting comments on my videos. Please, don't be stupid. (MasterToUAll, don't number anymore comments.)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Episode 14 of Le Fanmail

Here's fanmail episode 14, expedited, I guess you could say.


I didn't think the video needed subtitles, plus I guess I got a little lazy. Questions from ajle9550. I don't think he's seen the vid yet. Remember, fanmail every Wednesday from now on. Possible new series, I'm not telling what it's about, cause I don't want anyone to steal the idea. Anyway, check the info for dates of upcoming vids, MCSA Gardening is next, idea from Sir Applecider39. Enjoy.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm Baaaacckkk... oh, and Fanmail 13

I returned from Aruba Saturday, great vacation. I rode on a WaveRunner and did this crazy thing where I got on a raft and had a boat pull me around the ocean at 40 mph! Yeah that kinda hurt my neck... Anyway, here's fanmail 13!


It's not as good as usual in my opinion. I stink, I guess cause I'm a little rusty having not wrote a video in 3 weeks. Question from masterchief079. I promised someone I would release fanmail 14 tomorrow, so I will.

Anyway, nice to talk to you guys again.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Master Chief is the Angry Video Game Nerd

Here, you waited, here you go:

Master Chief Sucks at Being the AVGN: Watch.
Vid took over 30 minutes to upload.

Idea from goomba345. This is more of a funny AVGN review than a typical "let's be the AVGN, here's tips" Master Chief Sucks video. The game: Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution. I could've picked a bad NES game, but I wanted to be at least a little original, enjoy!

I'm off to vacation, see ya in 2 weeks!


P.S. I could've uploaded this yesterday, but wanted to wait a day so everyone had a chance to see the new fanmail episode first. Anyway, see ya and enjoy! :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Fanmail 12

Sorry, this was uploaded yesterday, I was too lazy to post the link so here's episode 12:


Question from monarchking666. NO MORE FANMAIL PLEASE! MCS at Being the AVGN is near completion and will be uploaded tomorrow. Then, vacation time!


P.S. DigitalPh33r must get mad with all the rip-off MCS at Halo vids on Youtube. I don't like people using my ideas and not crediting me. Most recently, Applecider39 started this fanmail thing, he uses the lines "Remember to send in your fanmail to get it featured on the show." and "Today's question comes from...". My biggest evidence is that when he says the question he shows it on a blue screen exactly like I do. Alright, he's a subscriber, fine. One problem... he did not give me any credit...