Zombamazomba Video Player

Friday, January 30, 2009

Fanmail Episode 19 Uploaded

Hey guys, here's the newest episode of fanmail:


I must graciously thank RCMatthews93 and medalofhonorheroes77 for combining their questions for a double-user episode. Believe it or not, I was up at 3 AM last night, typing subtitles with a sore throat. The sore throat was joined by a runny nose today. Anyway, I will continue my work like normal. It's Super Bowl week! In my opinion, this is not gonna be one of the better Super Bowls ever, but hopefully it is. Relatives of mine have bets on the Steelers, but I'm gonna go ahead and say 31-21 Cardinals. Regardless, the Super Bowl is always a lot of fun. I hope I can shake my cold by then.

Have a good weekend,

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Fanmail!

Here's fanmail 18:


This fanmail went under may changes, first the question for this episode was supposed to be from o484, then RCMatthews93 and o484, then RCMatthews93, and finally triplesixdemon. These changes occurred due to various mistakes (mostly be me).

Since I got a day off today, I actually finished writing, found images for, layed out, and typed subtitles for this episode, today. Well, it's done. Some are likely to love this episode and some will hate it, I apologize.

Due to time-issues, MCS at Gardening won't be uploaded until Feb. 7, but don't worry. All of these waits will pay off in the end, with a new series!

Peace out,
P.S. Fanmail is still closed! For some reason, people started sendimg me questions like crazy. Don't! It's not open. I'll make an announcement when I open it. I won't hold on to your fanmail questions so don't think you can send them to me starting now. Anyway, have a nice weekend. Bye.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama!!!

Woot! Congrats to the new President Barack Obama. For those who missed it, the Inauguration was really cool and Obama's speech was the highlight of the day as usual. Whether you believe me or not, I did predict a year and a half ago that the Presidency would come down to McCain and Obama, and Obama would win. Anyway, no matter where your political stand is, today was a great day for America.

See ya later,
P.S. GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

First Video of SuperAgent0007 Account

Hey, what's up? I uploaded the first video from the SuperAgent0007 account. 

Here it is, a Hitman Blood Money Pro Silent Assassin Walkthrough to the first mission, A Vintage Year.

I got Final Cut Pro! This editing studio is used in major film. Some movies that were edited with Final Cut Pro:

The Simpsons Movie
Napolean Dynamite
No Country For Old Men - Oscar nominee for best editing
Burn After Reading
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

It's a little complex for an amateur like me, but so far, I love it. It did a great job of raising the quality of the video, unlike iMovie which actually murdered the quality and made it worse than it originally was. The hardest part of making the Hitman videos for me, should be coming up with ideas about how to get good ratings in the missions, which is a relief. All I have to do is record the run, do some slight editing, add some music, save the video, and upload to Youtube. Yay for simplicity!

Right now, I'm working out the kinks in the Rock Band runs. There is an ever-so-small delay between audio and video. That's fixable, but the occasional static I'm getting when I record with Dazzle may give me problems. Anyway, I'm working on the "Gardening" script (I made a full five minute script six months ago but it was on my crashed laptop). For fanmail this friday, questions will be featured from triplesixdemon. o484 and RCMatthews93 failed to respond to a message I sent to them, so I will have to stick them in episode 19 instead of 18.

Have a good day, 

Friday, January 16, 2009

Master Chief Sucks at Fanmail 17

What's up! Here's the new fanmail, episode 17 with a question from jayive34:


So, you've probably noticed the F.A.Q. is up. I put as much into it as I could think of. UltraHyperShadow submitted the question about the subtitles. I hope you guys find it helpful and refer to it before asking me a question.

I'm brainstorming ideas about the new series I will start after this season's last fanmail. I've somewhat settled on an idea but I'm thinking about how I will set it up. I'm keeping it a secret for various reasons, so try to refrain from asking me about it.

So yeah, that's about it. Thanks to o484 and RCMatthews93 who offered to put their questions together into next week's episode. If o484 is reading this, check your Youtube inbox!


P.S. First video on SuperAgent account will go up this weekend. I've had numerous people tell me they will subscribe to the account, but nobody has actually done it yet!

Monday, January 12, 2009

*The Official Zombamazomba F.A.Q.*

This is an F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) for the Zombamazomba Youtube account. Refer to this before asking me about anything related to me or my videos.

Who are you? What do you do?

I go by the username Zombamazomba. I am a video-maker who hopes to become a video game designer. I make a variety of videos, most notably Master Chief Sucks videos. I have also made rant videos, machinima, and video game reviews.

What is a "Master Chief Sucks" video?

These videos star Master Chief from the Halo series. It is usually a how-to video. Master gives bad advice on how to complete simple tasks. The first Master Chief Sucks videos were created by DigitalPh33r; this is his "claim to fame". The videos were about Master Chief's troubles while playing Halo games. Since then, users such as NinjaAdventures and UltraHypershadow have changed what a Master Chief sucks video is; thus, bringing more popularity to the new genre.

Who inspired you to make videos?

My friend told me about Master Chief Sucks videos, and after seeing a few, I couldn't wait to make my own. I credit DigitalPh33r, NinjaAdventures, and UltraHyperShadow as my inspirations for my Master Chief Sucks videos. My game reviews were inspired by the Angry Video Game Nerd, Armake21, and Ebeeto. Ratchet1993 inspired me to make the "Adventures of Agent 47" series.

Why did you rip-off (insert user here, usually DigitalPh33r)?

I didn't rip-off anyone. I credit my inspirations in the information sections of my Master Chief Sucks videos. Are my videos similar to others'? Yes, but I credit everyone who inspires me to make my videos.

Can I borrow lines from your videos, for my videos?

Let me tell you, when I can inspire someone to make videos, it's a great day for me. But please, if you borrow a line from me, put my name in the credits or info. (Putting me in the tags doesn't count.)

What programs do you use to make videos?

I use a variety of programs. Since Master Chief Sucks at Seeing an Opera, I have been using Ulead VideoStudio to edit my videos. It has more options than Windows Movie Maker, but is very simple. I use a program called Verbose Text-to-Speech to record the synthesized voices for my videos. You, however, can get text-to-speech voices already on your computer if you have Windows XP or Vista. Go into the control panel, then sounds and audio, then speech. You should have Microsoft Sam (Master Chief) as your default voice. You have to download the Microsoft Mike and Mary voices to get the voices I use for Sam and Cortana. This download can be found with a simple Google search. I have used Intervideo Home Theatre and a Gamebridge in the past to record game footage for reviews and my Adventures of Agent 47 series. I however don't recommend the Gamebridge, the video quality is bad and the device crashed on the second laptop I installed it on. Lastly, I use Adobe Photoshop to make special images. Here are the prices of my programs and where you can find them:

Windows Movie Maker - Free with Windows

Ulead Videostudio - around $150 at corel.com

Verbose - $28.20 at nch.com.au

Gamebridge (includes Intervideo Home Theatre) $25 at amazon.com

Adobe Photoshop (CS2, old, but what I use) - $200-$300 at amazon.com/ebay.com

How do you write your subtitles/what programs do you use?

I type my subtitles in Ulead Studio. I listen to the characters' voices to find a cue point, select my pre-made subtitle overlay, type my subtitles, drag into the timeline, shorten up the title to the cue point and repeat. Subtitles take me a while to finish because I try to type in large text so everyone can see it, and I don't like more than one line on the screen at a time. I also try not to spoil my jokes (joke in subtitle on screen before character says it).

What's "Master Chief Sucks at Fanmail"?

This is a series where Youtube users can send in fanmail and Master Chief will answer it in an episode.

Any rules for fanmail?

1. Limited swearing (May seem odd as Master Chief swears, but I don't want ridiculous profanity-fests like, "Why is fuckin' Sam such a shitty asshole?").

2. Send fanmail to me in a Youtube message.

3. Please send three questions maximum. If I use some of your fanmail, I will take one of your questions and answer it. In each episode, I will have 3 to 4 different questions from different users.

So I can send fanmail?

Yes, I had fanmail closed for a few months, but it is now open. If I don't answer your fanmail, or I did answer it and you simply would like to be featured again, you can send 3 questions each week.

What is the Chief Show?

It is a series that I created, in order to have more freedom with my video ideas. In this series, it is the set of a news show with Master Chief as the head anchorman. In addition to talking about real-life news stories, I throw in a few sketches each week. These may be interviews, movie/game reviews, or other fun skits.

What happened to The Adventures of Agent 47, Zomba's Crappy Reviews, Halo 3 Shorts, AVGN: Clips to Remember, and Useless Gaming Stuff?

I have scrapped alot of series, and I'm infamous for it. Basically, if I see a series isn't going well, I tend to end it, unless I really believe in the series. I ended these five series, and also have removed all of my game reviews, and the Useless Gaming Stuff series, mostly because I was embarrassed by them. I left the one Halo 3 Short I made, and The Adventures of Agent 47. AVGN: Clips to Remember is a different story. These videos were removed by a copyright claim from ScrewAttack, the AVGN's former website. I was furious, because I credited the copyrights, and if anything, I was promoting the AVGN, not stealing from him. I was especially angry because there were many AVGN videos that didn't cite copyrights, that weren't taken down. I digress.

Sometimes I see an ad to buy an iTunes song, on your video. What's up with that?

Youtube's audio-identification system has found some excerpts of songs I have in my videos. They put an ad for the song on my video. It is, in the end, a copyright issue. I have claimed Fair Use, but I have yet to here back from Youtube. So for now, sorry about the ads.

Can you help me make a video?

Of course I can. I just ask that you please write the script for the video. Do not ask me to make a complete video and let you upload it.

Any new series?

If you've followed my videos for a while, you know I create new series often. There is always some new idea I'm looking to pounce on.

Some tips for an upcoming video-maker?

Do what you want to do. Make the videos you want to make. If you face ridicule, keep on going. Never lose confidence. Don't let mindless idiots tell you that your videos suck. Set high expectations for yourself and stick to them. Who knows, you may be writing your own F.A.Q. soon!

Want to chat/play some time?

I don't have AIM. I have all 3 major next-gen gaming consoles. My Xbox gamertag is SuperSean0007. My PSN name is sean007. Right now, I don't have my Wii ID, but I don't use the Wi-Fi Online much anyway. I am on Live or PSN a few times a week. I don't usually play much with my friends, but you can send me a friend invite if you want to.

Can I ask you a question?

Assuming that you can't find your answer in the F.A.Q., send me a Youtube message.


Thank you for taking the time to read this F.A.Q. I hope you found what you are looking for.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Account

Here's the formal announcement for the new account:


If that doesn't work, copy and paste this into your address bar:


Same things I told you guys before. The new account is for video game-related videos. Please subscribe if you're interested.

I tested the capture card today, good video quality, but there is lag between video and audio, as well as lots of static. Right now I'm looking for a Mac editing studio that I can use to fix those problems as iMovie can't seem to help. 


Friday, January 9, 2009

Fanmail 16 Up

Here's Fanmail Episode 16:


Question from ADDFreak13. Apologize for lack of laughs in this one. Upcoming fanmail episodes will be better. Also, I got a Pinnacle Dazzle game footage capture card for the Mac, I'll test it later today. Expect a formal announcement about my video game account Sunday. Enjoy your day!

Peace out,

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Info Ftw!

What's up guys? Hope everyone had very Happy Holidays!  I did, I got a brand new MacBook! (It's the one in the Mac commercial that runs on a quarter of the power of a light bulb.) It's awesome! Lots of cool features, but let's get to what you want to know about: videos.

After careful consideration, I decided to use my laptop to make Master Chief Sucks videos because of a lack of programs for the Mac. (My relative got a new laptop and let me have the interim laptop I was using.) As for other videos, I will try to make them on my Mac. I played with iMovie a little and it looks certainly less simplistic than Movie Maker. It also unfortunately looks more linear too, but time will tell. I'm looking at getting Final Cut for the Mac as the Angry Nerd uses it and, with the special effects he uses, it must be good.

I will be posting an F.A.Q. soon. Also, once I get Pinnacle Dazzle Video Game Capture for the Mac, I will start posting videos on my new SuperAgent0007 account. It's on Youtube, but I won't really use it until I make a formal video announcement on my regular channel. Fanmail sixteen is coming up on Friday, and fanmail will continue every Friday. Look for MCS at Gardening around January 30th. 

That's about it, fanmail sixteen is finished except for subtitles. I finally finished the AC/DC Live Rock Band Track Pack today on Expert Drums. (Let There be Rock was insane!) It was alot of fun though. Anyway, hope you had fun on New Year's Day and didn't drink too much, just kidding! :D 

Peace out,
P.S. "The best things that happen to you this year will be the worst that happen to you next year" - Gary Lidelle (Sorry if I spelled it wrong.)