Zombamazomba Video Player

Friday, February 26, 2010

Master Chief Sucks at Fanmail: Episode 36

Episode Description: "Master Chief talks about his favorite holidays, Dr. Seuss, and the Halo series!"

Hey guys, I was sick this week, but I'm feeling better now. I apologize if the fanmail episode is not up to par. I can sense that some people are curious as to why their question is not being featured. Here are some "do not" guidelines for fanmail:
  • Do not make a question too specific to a certain topic that others won't be interested in.
  • Do not give me a multiple choice question, try for long answer-type questions.
  • Do not ask a question about a question or topic that has already been completely covered in another fanmail episode.

If you are not featured, try again with a different question. I try not to show bias when picking questions. Asking me to feature you, or giving me a compliment does not guarantee that one of your questions will be in an episode.

The finale has been layed out and partially finished. It is two parts, first is 7:30 long and the other is about 6 minutes long. Again, it will be up on March 10.

Getting off Youtube for a moment, how about NBC Olympic Coverage? Really sucks...

Lol. See you guys later!

Have a good weekend, Zombamazomba

Friday, February 19, 2010

Chief Show 9

The Chief Show: Episode 9 - "Undeniable Charisma"

Episode Description: "An action-packed episode! A controversial guest host is on the Chief Show! Chief shows pictures of his "struggle", hosts the Chieflympics games, and even announces his candidacy for the 2012 election!"

Hey guys! So here is the new Chief Show, it's totally loaded. First, it's over five minutes. But it has Chief announcing his candidacy for President and even a guest host! My best friend, GunSlayer360 suggested an idea for a guest host, so I went with it. I'll probably do one for the next episode, too.

I'm working on laying out the finale of season three. I'm glad you guys liked the trailer! I realized that many of you were complaining about the video not being uploaded until March. I'm sorry guys, the video is just so huge, and I'm one guy. With some series, one video is made every few weeks, and there could be multiple people working on it. Remember, I make a video each week, plus the regular MCS videos. I'm just one person. I also have a normal life too. I work hard during the week, spend time with family, and make these videos. Some days, I don't even have a minute of leisure time. So anyway, I hope you guys understand.

So Fanmail 37 will be released on March 8, 2010 (Monday). The finale will be released on that Wednesday.

That's about it, so have a good weekend!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Trailer for Season 3 Finale

Trailer: Master Chief Sucks at Having a Kid

Here is the trailer for the finale of season three! It is just a short 1 minute-plus video. As per usual, none of what you see in the trailer will be in the actual video. So really, it's not so much a trailer as it is a preview of what kind of humor you can expect.

The finale will be in two 7-minute parts. I decided I will release it on Wednesday, March 10. I will release the normal Friday video of that week, Fanmail Episode 37, on Monday of the week. This will allow each and every subscriber to see the season finale before I upload my next video.

So that's about it, my friend, GunSlayer360, suggested that I have a guest celebrity host on the Chief Show, so I'm gonna have Howard Stern host the next episode. Look forward to that!

See ya later,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fanmail 35 Uploaded

Master Chief Sucks at Fanmail: Episode 35

Episode Description: "Master Chief talks about dinosaurs, offers Halo rights to the Gears of War franchise, vows to kill Soap Mactavish and Captain Price, and lives life as a rapper!"

Hey guys, here's the new fanmail. It's another long one, 5 minutes in length. Questions from dancingzita, SmashBrawl347, needler117, and Josephthecrazyguy.

The trailer for MCS at Having a Kid will be up on Monday, so stay tuned for that. Because the finale is so massive and requires so much work, I'm giving myself an extra week or two to work on it. Right now, I'm looking to make the video available on Wednesday 3/10 or Friday 3/12. I plan on releasing the normal friday Fanmail/Chief Show on Monday, and then uploading the finale the same week, to make sure that each subscriber gets to see it before the next Friday video shows up in place of it, on their Youtube homepage.

I wrote the script for the finale this past weekend. It is the biggest script by far, with a total of 120 audio files, the most ever. (The closest I've ever gotten to that is 88 audio files for the Christmas Special.) The video will be split into two parts, with each part about 6-7 minutes long. It chronicles tips from the Chief, Cortana's labor, pregnancy classes, Chief building a crib for the baby, and more. I tried to put in every conceivable part of Chief and Cortana preparing for a baby.

So that was a mouthful, but that's it. So yeah, trailer on Monday. Still don't know how exactly it'll look like, but w/e. Okay, see you guys later!

Have a great weekend,

I realize that getting featured isn't a big deal anymore, since now thousands of videos are featured rather than a select few like before, but I realize that MCS at Getting a Job, MCS at Fishing, The Adventures of 47: The Hotel, and MCS at Getting Married were featured today. It's not a big deal to most, but I've never known any of my videos to be featured, so it's pretty cool!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chief Show 8 Out

The Chief Show: Episode 8 - "Epic Fail"

Another massive episode... Damn, I gotta stop doing this crap. This episode tops the last one at over 6 minutes! It was a pain to work on, but here it is. I uploaded it on Thursday, 'cause I'm busy tomorrow. I could've uploaded it yesterday, but I wanted the subscribers to see MCS at Birthdays, before this video shows up on their Youtube Home Page. Hope you enjoy this Chief Show!

I wanna clear something up too. You may notice that Chief doesn't react any different to Cortana, even though she's pregnant. This is because the Chief Show and Master Chief Sucks videos take place in two different universes. Chief Show has its own storyline, regular MCS has its own, and Fanmail has its own. Maybe when Chief's child becomes older I will put him/her on one of the other series. But for now, different storylines for different series!

On next Monday, there will be a trailer for Master Chief Sucks at Having a Kid. Haven't exactly decided what's gonna be in there yet. I'm thinking about Chief puking over the live birth, but I haven't decided yet. I may want to do a joke about the birth, in the actual finale.

Hope you guys had a good week, and will have a good weekend!



Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MCS at Birthdays Out!

Master Chief Sucks at Birthdays

Episode Description: "The second-to-last video of season three! It's Cortana's birthday and Master Chief attempts to make her birthday cake. During a surprise birthday party, Chief realizes he forgot Cortana's present and runs to a jewelry store to get it. When he gets there, a man tries to grab the same gift and gets in a fight with Chief! While recovering from the fight, Cortana drops a bomb on Chief that he did not expect!"

Here it is! Second-to-last video of season three. The finale of the season will be Master Chief Sucks at Having a Kid. It'll be some Monday in March. I'll have a trailer for the video out before then.

This video was a mash-up of the ideas MCS at Karate, and MCS at Making Cakes. Both were suggested and voted on for season three. I promised to do them, but they were too short alone. I combined the ideas for this video. Also, jayive34 suggested Master Chief Sucks at Grocery Shopping that I promised to do. UltraHyperShadow made the video MCS at Shopping, so I asked jayive to give me another suggestion that I will make for season four.

I'll write the finale this weekend, and I already wrote the next Chief Show.

On to other news, last Sunday was a disappointing TV day. The Pro Bowl was as uncompetitive as ever, not to mention that many great players from the upcoming Super Bowl did not play. Also, the Grammys were disappointing. No performance from U2, Coldplay, Paul Macca, nothing.

Still a cool week, though. Lol :)

Okay, that's it. I'll see you guys on Friday, enjoy the vid!
