Zombamazomba Video Player

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Today I tried to go to Youtube and sign in, but I couldn't. I tried to reset the password by putting in my username. It said a password reset thing would be sent to my email account. I checked my email; no password reset. I then put in my email address and asked Youtube to send my password. Youtube said that my email address did not exist in the Youtube system. I tried every email I have ever had. Nothing. SOMEONE HAS STOLEN MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. They changed the email and password for the account. I contacted Youtube and they said that they would check out the situation. I don't know what's gonna happen, my account might be recovered back to me, my account will be deleted by Youtube, or Youtube won't do anything, I do not know what's going to happen. Since I can't recover my account, I can't sign in to Youtube. Until the situation is resolved, videos are suspended until further notice.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chief Show 17 Out!

The Chief Show: Episode 17 - "You Don't Mess With Steve Jobs"

Episode Description: "Master Chief blames 'The Hills' for the Gulf Oil Disaster, gives swimming pool tips, and demos the iPhone 4!"

What's up? The World Cup's starting in less than 11 hours!!! I'm gonna now stay in my house until after July 11 (duration of the World Cup). Lol. Anyway, here's the new Chief Show.

The next Master Chief Sucks video will be MCS at Travelling Out of the Country. I enjoyed writing the script. Where will Master Chief go? You'll find out! (I'll give you a hint: somewhere in Asia).

Have a great weekend,

Friday, June 4, 2010

New Fanmail

Master Chief Sucks at Fanmail: Episode 43:


Episode Description: "Master Chief talks about a trip to Australia, his gaming enemies, his views on Obama, and his secrets to becoming a YouTube star!"

Hey guys, so if you haven't yet noticed, my videos will now be on Metacafe as well as YouTube! Don't worry, I'm still posting all of the videos on YouTube, I'm just also uploading them to Metacafe. There seems to be no MCS videos of any kind on Metacafe, so I thought that this would be an interesting chance to explore a new site.

Other than that, not much else. I still haven't decided what the next regular MCS video will be, probably MCS Sucks at Teabagging in Halo, because that requires game footage and therefore will take the most time (this is the perfect opportunity to work on it, because I have some vacation time).

Have a good weekend,

P.S. World Cup is one week away...