Zombamazomba Video Player

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Master Chief Sucks at Getting Married and Info.

Master Chief Sucks at Getting Married:


I worked hard on this and really pushed it to the max. Providing YouTube doesn't cut a few seconds off the video, the vid will be 9:51 long. That means that I would be approximately 10 seconds from not being able to upload this, due to size.

This video had to have a lot of storyline, and I tried to include as many gags as possible, but with this type of vid, there may not be as many laughs as a normal MCS video. I tried my hardest, please so cut me some slack.

This is the season 2 finale, season 1 ended with Rescuing His Son. Have no fear, there will be more full-length vids in July, I'm hosting a poll via Youtube to decide the season 3 opener. Fanmail will continue as normal, SSJGoku93Returns will be featured n Wednesday's show. Thanks and enjoy the vid.

Sincerely (Even though Master Chief calls you assholes in the vids :D),

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