Zombamazomba Video Player

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Season 3 Premieres Now!

It's the moment you've all been waiting for, season 3 starts!
Here's the ever-so-suggested Master Chief Sucks at Flying a Plane:


Original ideas and suggestion by mastermajor119. Nice suggestion!

Wow, I can't believe we made it. We're already in our third season together. That's nuts. It's like it was yesterday when I saw my firsst Master Chief Sucks vids, and released "Going to the Movies". Now, here we are, 14 MCS videos, 9 fanmail episodes, 5 series, and a load of hard work later. No matter how much work, it's been fun every step of the way. Thanks goes to all of you who supported my work, lived it, loved it, even when it wasn't the best it could be. Thank you all. It's truly been a wild ride so far, and I'm coming to get on it yet again for a third season. I think this makes me the most prolific MCS video-maker ever (meaning I released more Master Chief Sucks Videos than anyone else.) In addition, I'm the second-longest running Master Chief Sucks video-maker who still makes MCS videos. (My friend, UltraHyperShadow, beat me by about three weeks. Even though I actually have been on Youtube longer, only by a week though). I don't think I'll ever get the number of views his "Master Chief Sucks at Ordering at Mcdonald's" video got, and rightfully so. He came first.

Anyway, in conclusion, I enjoy making these videos, and I hope you enjoy watching them.


P.S. I'm going on a vacation in August for two weeks, this means no fanmail or MCS during this time, sorry. But hey, I've been working my ass off, so I think I deserve a little break. (For God's sake, I make 2 videos a week. Most only make one video a month.)


Anonymous said...

I've been on Youtube a year longer than you, whatchoo talking bout boi!

But yeah, sorry I haven't responded to a lot of your videos, but I have watched them, I was on vacation

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I'm UltraHyperShadow, I forgot I used my real name on Blogger

Zomba said...

Oh sorry dude! I didn't realize you got on in 2006.