Zombamazomba Video Player

Monday, November 24, 2008

HEY GUYS! GUESS WHAT, (Insert Bad Pun Here)

I know, take a moment to get over the shock, I updated the blog! Let's start out with a few explanations.

Laptop was fixed, then crashed again, and now I've given up on it. I'm using a different spare laptop, a relative's, which he has allowed me to create videos on, and download programs on. I plan on getting a MacBook very soon. I've never had a Mac before, but from what I've heard and seen, it is the ultimate "accessory" laptop, designed for maximum entertainment and all the goodies a YouTuber could want. I can't wait to get it.

I hope to release a trailer thing this week, and return with a bold Christmas Special. Then I will continue where I left off with season 3. Regarding Fanmail, I think I will set a specific day for the upload of new episodes (probably Friday), and am considering asking some people to combine their questions with others' questions into one episode, that way I will have only 10 episodes to do, rather than 20. This could also allow for people to see their questions featured a lot faster, though I won't make that decision without the approval of you guys. Regarding other series, I hope to, by popular demand, restart my "Adventures of Agent 47" series with a new twist and a more polished look. Other than that, I don't want to chew more than I can swallow considering I am just starting to make videos again, and my writing is likely very rusty.

Sorry for the wait, I hope you found this update useful. If you have questions, send me a message on YouTube.



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