Zombamazomba Video Player

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Special is out!!!

Hey guys, the long-awaited New Year's Special is here!


Episode Description: "2010 is approaching soon, and Master Chief is getting ready to host his own New Year's Eve party for the Hawaiian locals. You're invited! Warning, you might want to bring a fire extinguisher."

What's up, guys? Long time, no see. Thanks for letting me take off the holidays, I really had a lot of fun and relaxation. Here is the fruit of my labor. The video plot is Chief wanting to host a New Year's party in Hawaii. Some things go horribly wrong, and Chief feels like he failed as a party host.

I've run into a speed bump while trying to figure out the next video. I've been doing suggestions from the Season 3 Voting. Now, the remaining topics that I haven't done videos on, were either voted on only once by the guy who suggested the topic or not voted on at all. Some of the topics are very trivial (MCS at Playing Soccer, Karate), some were already made by others(MCS at Grocery Shopping), and some were already covered during other videos(MCS at Swimming). I don't want to break my promise to do all the topics, so I'll figure out how to combine the topics into one episode. After those, my finale for season 3 is here. MCS at Having a Kid.

Still no news on the CovieHuman55 Impersonation thing.

I contemplated making some Rock Band videos for the dead SuperAgent0007 channel, but the horrible quality of my capture card is too much to get by. I will eventually get a better card though.

For some reason, when I went to the video, it said "An error occurred. Please try again later." I think that's just because the video is still processing, but if this problem continues, I'll upload it again.

See you next decade,
P.S. Thanks for a great Youtube year, guys!

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