Zombamazomba Video Player

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Status Update

Hey everyone,

Yes, it's really me. It's been nearly a year since I last contacted you guys, pledging to get credit for my fanmail idea from JonCJG. Well, that didn't work out as planned. No surprise, I wasn't expecting it to.

I still feel tied to you guys, and rightfully so. I have put you guys through an emotional rollercoaster if an online video series ever had one. Although I have left you multiple times, I still feel like I need to resolve this situation and get it off my conscience.

In my vast time off from Master Chief Sucks video-making, I have grown nostalgic, and in many ways, I miss making videos regularly. I do not have a hell of a lot of time to make videos anymore, but I surprisingly miss the process. This is a big deal for me; although I have always missed making you guys laugh, I thought I no longer missed the tedious process of making the videos. Well, that's no longer the case. I miss it.

I do not want to get your hopes up again and crush them again. I do not know if or when I will make Master Chief Sucks videos again, or any YouTube series at all. I have a few ideas for online video series, and I want to finish off this season of Master Chief Sucks. If I do come back, it will likely be without any Fanmail or Chief Show videos.

My main driving incentive is what I owe to you loyal viewers who have stuck with me since the beginning. I do not feel I have ever gotten the true credit I deserve for what I've created, and I'm sure that my prolonged absences from video-making have not advanced my cause.

Regardless, I want to come back for you guys. Summer is coming up and I'll have a bit more time to myself. Not guaranteeing anything, but I will keep you guys posted.

Whether you are happy or angry or sad, I just thank you for reading this post. You are a true fan and friend to me. Thank you.

See you later assholes,


Daxter5150 said...

Hope you comeback soon

Robot Enthusiast said...

Are you still alive? Can you read this?