Zombamazomba Video Player

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fanmail Episode 8

Here's fanmail episode 8:


Sorry about the horrific quality of these last few vids, it's not my fault. When I make the vids they look great, but when I convert them to .wmv format so I can upload them to Youtube, the quality is murdered. I discovered a secret, add "&fmt=18" to the address when watching a video and hit refresh. The quality gets alot better. In fact, I tried it on this episode and it looks almost as good as it looked in the editing studio I was using. Unfortunately, I can't make the default Youtube video address have "&fmt=18", so you guys'll have to add it when you watch one of my vids. I'll put a reminder at the beginning of the vids. On this one, the link already has it, so you don't need to do it. Thanks.

See you later,

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