Zombamazomba Video Player

Friday, November 20, 2009

Updates and Stuff

First off, you may have noticed that I FINALLY recreated the image at the top of the page with Photoshop that I just reinstalled. I kept the ZZ logo but removed the circle around it. I added "Hundreds of subscribers and counting!" and "since 2007". Also, this version is cleaner than the previous one, and now includes Sam and Cortana. If you checked my blog in the last few minutes, you had the opportunity to see multiple images at the top of the screen as I was testing them. Lol.

It sucks to have to delay the very first regular video, but I can't finish MCS at Owning a Pet in time for this Wednesday. You will get it Wednesday, Dec 2. I'm sorry. I know I suck. This was due to me missing vital needs for my video. Certain music and sound effects, not getting Photoshop until now, and lack of time because of my uncle's visit this week. It's the first regular vid since I returned and I don't want to half-ass it. The first video will be the Chief Show next Friday. It is the biggest Chief Show I've ever made, clocking in at over 6 1/2 minutes. I will be working on videos through this weekend and next week.

In other news, I will be probably texting a new style of subtitles (writing full sentences instead of fragments) in a test video soon. This goes against my subtitle standards but if you guys prefer it, I'll use it.

Also, I stopped those who had been already featured in Fanmail from sending in new fanmail. That rule is now null and void. The next episode of fanmail will feature fanmail that was originally supposed to be in the last episode, over six months ago. Some mail I probably won't find, but I'll try my best.

That's Update Friday! (Ok, I made the name up.)


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